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Lowongan Kerja PT Sigma Cipta Utama Tbk Lokasi Banten

PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU) yang merupakan anak perusahaan PT Elnusa Tbk (anak perusahaan Pertamina) telah berdiri sejak 8 April 1980. Badan usahanya bermula dari pengelolaan data di industri minyak dan gas. Sesuai dengan kebijakan Holding Company Elnusa, SCU ditunjuk sebagai satu-satunya anak perusahaan yang membidangi Manajemen Data di Elnusa Group, sejak November 2007 PT Elnusa Telematika berpengalaman di bidang telematika (sejak tahun 1984) dan PT Elnusa Rentrakom berpengalaman di bidang telematika (sejak tahun 1984) dan PT Elnusa Rentrakom berpengalaman di bidang telematika. bidang telekomunikasi (sejak tahun 1997), digabung dengan SCU untuk memperkuat dan melengkapi kompetensi dan usaha bisnis di bidang Layanan Manajemen Data.

Dalam upaya mewujudkan visi dan misi perusahaan, dimana SCU bermaksud untuk “Menjadi mitra yang paling handal dan terpercaya dalam bisnis Integrated Asset Data Management khususnya di industri energi dengan dukungan teknologi ICT terdepan” , misinya adalah “Memberikan layanan unggul dalam pengelolaan data secara aman, akurat dan cepat untuk memberikan manfaat berkelanjutan dan nilai tambah bagi pemangku kepentingan kami”, kemudian perusahaan menerapkan budaya kinerja profesional kepada seluruh karyawan dengan mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan.

Saat ini PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU)  kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir bersama PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU)  dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.

Diposting 27  Oktober   2023

Lowongan Kerja PT Sigma Cipta Utama Tbk

1. Technical Writer


  1. Minimum education: S1 IT / Teknik Industri / Manajemen

  2. Preferably, those who have experience in the oil and gas industry

  3. Have at least three years of experience

  4. Have writing skills

  5. Have the ability to conduct product research

  6. Have the ability to analyze business processes

2. Data Analyst


  1. Minimum education: S1 MIPA semua jurusan / Teknik semua jurusan

  2. Have at least three years of experience

  3. Preferably, have experience in the oil and gas industry

  4. Have experience or the ability tc organize data

  5. Have experience or the ability to perform data analysis

  6. Have experience or the ability to analyze and prepare business processes

  7. Have expertise in SQL

  8. Have expertise in Power BI

  9. Have expertise in the Python and R programming languages

3. Data Engineer


  1. Minimum education: S1 TI / Ilmu Komputer

  2. Have at least three years of experience

  3. Preferabiy, have experience in the oil and gas industry

  4. Have experience or the ability to organize data

  5. Have experience or the ability to do database design

  6. Understand the concept of RDBMS

  7. Understand the concept of big data

  8. Understand data pipeline concepts

  9. Have expertise in using Etools

  10. Expertise in using Azzure Data Lake

  11. Expertise in using Hadoop

  12. Have expertise in SQL

  13. Have expertise in Power BI

  14. Have expertise in PM language

4. Data Scientist


  1. Minimum education: S1 TI / Data Science / Statistik

  2. Have at least three years of experience

  3. Preferably, have experience in the oii and gas industry

  4. Have experience or the ability to organize data

  5. Have experience or the ability to perform data analysis

  6. Have experience with or ability to present data

  7. Have data modeling experience or skills

  8. Have Al/machine learning experience and skills

  9. Understand the concept of RDBMS

  10. Understand the concept of big data

  11. Have expertise in Python and R programming languages

  12. Have expertise in Azzure ML

  13. Have expertise in data bricks

  14. Have SQL expertise

5. Business Analyst


  1. Minimum education: S1 Teknik Semua Jurusan

  2. Have at least three years of experience

  3. Preferably, have experience in the oil and gas industry

  4. Have experience or the ability to perform data analysis

  5. Have experience or ability in research and planning

  6. Have data modeling experience or skills

  7. Have the ability to communicate well

  8. Understand the concept of RDBMS

  9. Understand the concept of big data

  10. Have SOL expertise

6. Dashboard Engineer / Developer


  1. Minimum education: S1 Semua Jurusan

  2. Have at least three years of experience

  3. Have experience or the ability to design a Ul or dashboard

  4. Understand the concept of RDBMS

  5. Have SOL expertise

  6. Have expertise in Power BI

  7. Have expertise in Tableau

  8. Have other programming skills

7. Warehouse Admin


  1. Pendidikan minimal D3 All major

  2. Pengalaman bekerja di gudang minimal 1 tahun

  3. Menguasai Ms Office Excel, Word, Power point

  4. Dapat membuat laporan harian

  5. Mampu mencatat segala aktivitas pergerakan barang dengan tepat, teliti dan benar

If you are interested in this position, please apply via the following link:


Deadline: 29 October 2023

Only suitable candidates will be processed further

All recruitment processes are free of charge

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