Lowongan kerja PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia Lokasi Jakarta
sejak lebih dari 40 tahun lalu Mitsubishi Motors telah hadir di Indonesia, PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors (KTB) melakukan restrukturisasi bisnis Per tanggal 1 April 2017 untuk mengalihkan bisnis distribusi kendaraan penumpang dan niaga ringan merk Mitsubishi Motors di Indonesia kepada PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Indonesia (MMKI).
untuk lebih fokus pada setiap segmen pasar Restrukturisasi ini dilakukan kemudian untuk merespon dan berkontribusi pada setiap permintaan dari masing – masing segmen pasar dengan cepat dan fleksibel.
Restrukturisasi ini bertujuan untuk lebih fokus pada setiap segmen pasar, serta untuk merespon dan berkontribusi pada setiap permintaan dari masing – masing segmen Melalui perubahan struktur organisasi ini, Mitsubishi bertujuan untuk terus berkembang dan memperluas produk dan layanan dengan kualitas yang lebih baik, bagi konsumen setia kendaraan Mitsubishi dan juga masyarakat Indonesia.
Saat ini PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir bersama PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia (MMKSI) dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.
Diposting 2 Oktober 2023
Lowongan kerja PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia
1. Training Coordinator (Staff)
Main Responsibility :
Responsible to maintain database for sales dealaer system;
Evaluate & maintain dealer performance and team sales productivity;
Plan continuous improvement for team sales dealer;
Coordinate with internal and external parties (internal department, dealer, vendor)
Responsible to create national events for dealer team sales (competition, appreciation program, seminar, etc);
Responsible to conduct regular report for Planning Section activity;
Responsible to make report to present data analysis visualization;
Support training activity (training arrangement or as an alternative trainer);
Qualification :
24 – 30 years old;
Bachelor / master’s degree in : management, engineer, communication, any
1 year experience in related fields (fresh graduate are welcome to apply);
Proficient in active English communication;
Proven good communication and public speaking;
Proficient in project management;
Proficient in operating Microsoft Office programs, especially in Excel;
Able to work independently and collaboratively in a cross-functional team environment;
Able to do business trips
2. Building Maintenance Coordinator (Staff)
Main Responsibilities
Responsible on asset control, maintenance, deletion and insurance matter (inventories and asset)
Responsible on facilities management in all operation area (Pulomas, Cibitung, Cikarang)
Responsible on cunstruction project and willing for trip assignment
Responsible for company’s event and management facilities support
Support accounting related issue
Support emergency reponds team
Support tenancy
Support OHSE related issues
23 – 25 tahun
S1 Management, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering
Pengalaman min. 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
Good command of English (verbal & written)
Strong analytical thinking and high curiosity
Familiar in using basic formula of Ms. Excel (vlookup, hlookup, pivot table, etc)
Familiar in Visio, Photoshop, SAP will be beneficial.
Willing to travel freguently for a business trips
3. After Sales Planning (Staff)
Main Responsibility :
Responsible for handle spare part price analysis and comparison to market;
Responsible to process monthly report for shareholder;
Responsible to collect and cleanse big data;
Support Task force oil to increase penetration and other comodity;
Resposible for monitor and support MMKSI After Sales profit analysis;
Resposible to handle After Sales presentation materials;
Support campaign for collecting and allocation process;
Support planning team activities
Qualification :
22 26 years old;
Bachelor degree or Diplome (D3) in : Industrial engineering, statistics, Informatics Engineering, Mathematics;
1 year experience in related fields (fresh graduate are welcome to apply);
Proficient in active English communication;
Proficient in operating Microsoft Office programs;
Able to work independently and collaboratively in a cross-functional team environment;
4. Marketing Planning (Staff)
Main Responsibility :
Monitor the movements of competitors (leasing, prices, promotional activities);
Conduct reasearch to obtain information about products and markets inputs;
Responsible to conduct analysis and propose areas that are key and have the potential to be developed;
Responsible for providing unit allocation for the Sales Planning Department based on outstanding SPK, market conditions and needs;
Play an active role in new product launch activities (before and after the launch);
Coordinate with Sales Planning and Fleet Department to maximize allocation
Qualification :
23 – 24 years;
Bachelor degree in: Mechanical Engineering/Automotive Engineering/lndustrial
Able to communicate in good English (verbal or written);
Passionate in automotive & product development
Updated on trends, industry regulations and automotive business regulations
Have general knowledge about automotive and its specifications
Have strong analytical skills
Have the ability to use basic excel formulas (vlookup, hlookup, pivot table)
Can drive manual and automatic cars
5. CRM Enhancement (Temporary Staff)
Requirements :
Kandidat setidaknya memiliki pendidikan minimal lulusan S1 atau bergelar Sarjana Teknik Industri, Manajemen Bisnis, Komunikasi, Marketing atau setara dari Universitas terkemuka
Usia 22 – 26 tahun
Fasih dalam berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar secara lisan maupun tulisan
Memiliki keterampilan pemikiran yang analitis, berkomunikasi, negosiasi dan interpersonal yang baik
Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik mengenai analisa bisnis dan strateginya
Mempunyai keterampilan dalam mengoperasikan Microsoft Office terutama pada fungsi Microsoft Excel seperti Excel macro dan visual basic
Memiliki keterampilan dalam mengendarai mobil dengan transmisi otomatis
6. Technical Service (Staff)
Main Responsibilities
Create and monitoring product guality report to principal
Manage guality issue to be follow up to factory and principal
Keep close communication to dealers about field guality issue handling in the market
Evaluate and improve technical operation at dealer
Manage recall activity (field fix campaign)
Prepare new model development
21 – 26 tahun
D3/S1 Teknik Mesin/Teknik Otomotif/Teknik Elektro
Pengalamani1 tahun & terbuka untuk fresh graduate
Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris yang baik (verbal maupun tertulis)
Memiliki pengetahuan dasar mengenai teknis kendaraan/otomotif
Memiliki pengetahuan & trend bisnis after sales terkini
Memiliki daya analisa teknis yang baik
Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal dan komunikasi yang baik
Memiliki ketertarikan pada dunia otomotif
Familiar dengan penggunaan Ms. Office, terutama Ms. Excel dan Ms. PowerPoint
7. Technical Service (Staff)
Main Responsibilities
Responsible to achieve section target KPI.
As the main PIC for assisting dealers to solve vehicle troubles shooting.
Responsible to handle customer complaints for after-sales activities.
Responsible for Product Ouality Process (monitoring – reporting).
Responsible to handle part storage.
Coordinate with related departments, dealers, and other parties.
Conduct study & analysis of the freguent technical problems.
Support New Product Development Project.
20-25 Yo
Associate/Bachelor/master’s Degree in: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering or related field.
Good command of English (verbal and written).
Good interpersonal and communication skills.
General knowledge of After Sales Business.
Proven experience in Technical Analysis.
Experience in automotive troubleshooting.
Experience of analysis warranty.
Up-to-date with the latest trends of Mitsubishi vehicles.
Mastering mechanical automotive skills (remove, install, inspection).
8. Pre-Delivery Quality Inspection (Staff)
Diploma or any technical graduate
Experience – 2 years (Automobile Industry experience preferred)
If you are interested in this position, please apply via the following link:
Only suitable candidates will be processed further
All recruitment processes are free of charge
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