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Lowongan Kerja PT Pou Chen Group Indonesia Lokasi Banten,Jawa Barat Dan Jawa Tengah

hadir sebagai produsen alas kaki Pou Chen Corporation merupakan perusahaan asal Taiwan, dan merupakan salah satu produsen alas kaki terbesar di dunia yang berkantor pusat di Kota Taichung, Taiwan.


didirikan  pertama kali di Fuxing, Changhua, Taiwan pada bulan September 1969 oleh keluarga Tsai ,Pou Chen mengawali produksinya  berupa sepatu kanvas dan alas kaki berbahan karet sebagai produknya.


Pou Chen berfokus menjadi Produsen Peralatan Asli (OEM/ODM) alas kaki baik untuk olahraga maupun kausal dari berbagai merek  setelah menjalani waktu demi waktu dalam beroperasi.


merek yang menjadi fokus utama seperti Puma, Asics, Haglofs, Nike, Adidas, Saucony, dan berbagai merk sepatu terkenal lainnya, yang mana semuanya itu diproduksi di lini-lini produksi yang berada di pabrik-pabrik kami yang tersebar di berbagai negara seperti Indonesia, Vietnam, dan China.


Saat ini PT Pou Chen Group Sedang Membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bagi Para pencari Kerja ,Adapun Posisi yang Tersedia Di PT Pou Chen Group Dengan Kualifikasi Sebagai Berikut 

Diposting 16  September   2023

Lowongan Kerja PT Pou Chen Group Indonesia

1. Finance and Accounting Staff


  1. Develop Financial Reports & Statements

  2. Develop Financial Analysis & Internal Audit

  3. Develop a Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) report

  4. Develop Fluctuation Sales & Report


  1. Bachelor’s degree in accounting/Tax

  2. Understand IFRS & PSAK, SAP Application

  3. Good in English Spoken & Written (Minimum TOEIC 550/ TOEFL ITP 560)

  4. Good personality (responsible, optimistic)

  5. Fresh graduates are welcome

2. Procurement Specialist


  1. Familiar using MDA supplier code verify & AMS material code verify

  2. Supplier management, negotiation, audit and sourcing

  3. Preparation conference meeting and create such as Weekly and Monthly report

  4. Serve factory, to achieve the demand from each factory


  1. Bachelor’s Degree in Any major

  2. Good Communication and Analytical Skill

  3. Good Chinese and English available for speaking, listening, and writing

3. Language Professional Staff (Mandarin)


  1. Project Management/专案管理

  2. Communicate & Cooperate with Different Stakeholders of the Company/与公司内部各单位沟通及合作

  3. Assist & Responsible for tasks and projects assigned by Supervisors/协助和负责主管安排的任务及项目


  1. At least a bachelor’s degree or above/学士学历以上

  2. Language Capabilities: Mandarin (preferably HSK 5, ability to speak English is a huge advantage)/语言能力: 中文 (通过汉语水平考试 5 级优先, 拥有英文沟通能力优势)

  3. Project management skill/专案管理能力

  4. Problem-solving & Analytical skills, Presentation skills/问题分析與决绝,演讲及简报技巧

  5. Willing to Learn/Try New Things/愿意学习/尝试新事物

4. Water Treatment Staff


  1. Manage periodic reports (SIMPEL) & DLH to comply regulations and documents (AMDAL & UKL UPL)

  2. Conduct ZDHC inspections and evaluate the wastewater system

  3. Evaluate the inlet and outlet discharge of wastewater

  4. Ensuring the quality of waste processing results in accordance with predetermined quality standards

  5. Ensuring the implementation of maintenance of facilities and infrastructure in WWTP and WTP


  1. Minimum Bachelor of Environmental Engineering or Chemical Engineering

  2. Understand WWTP and WTP process

  3. Understand Chemical process, clean and wastewater organic and inorganic parameter

  4. Familiar with government standard related clean and wastewater

  5. English skill is a must (TOEFL 450), Mandarin is a plus

5. Legal Specialist


  1. Drafting and reviewing the agreement and legal documents

  2. Legal research

  3. Legal opinion

  4. Case analysis

  5. Analysis/update regulations


  1. Bachelor’s degree in law

  2. Minimum 3 years of work experience in the field of legal

  3. Deeply understand civil law, labor law, company law, and procedural law in Indonesia

  4. Detail and target-oriented

  5. Has knowledge & experience in drafting & reviewing agreements, case analysis, litigation, and licensing

  6. English skill is a must, and Mandarin is a plus

If you are interested in this position, please apply via the following link:


Only suitable candidates will be processed further

All recruitment processes are free of charge

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